Wrap Around Care

We currently offer before and after school care outside of school hours.

Opening Times/Session Fees

Breakfast Club:

£6.50  per session. 07.30 – School

After School:

£5.30* per session

Session times are as follows:

3:15pm – 4:00pm

4:00pm – 5:00pm

5:00pm – 5:30pm (£2.65)

*Sibling discount is available

All bookings are made through an online booking portal called Kids Club HQ.  This is a parent-led system which allows parents to make contract bookings (for regular sessions) or ad-hoc bookings if the club is needed as a one off.    

By clicking the link below you will be asked to create an account, you can then add your child(ren) and request a contract booking for Breakfast Club and/or After School Club. 


Should you require any more information about our before and after school club, please contact the school office on 0116 239 3610 or email us at office@ratby.bepschools.org